Copy Editing: Making sure everything is spelled right, sentences make sense, and it looks neat and tidy.

Line Editing: Making sentences and paragraphs sound better, fixing how they flow, and making them easier to read.


Developmental editing is like giving a story a makeover. This type of editing focuses on the big picture, such as the overall structure, characters, pacing, and flow of a piece of writing. It’s not about fixing little mistakes—that comes later. Developmental editing is about turning a good idea into a great piece of writing that really shines.


Proofreading is like giving a last look to catch pesky mistakes before showing your writing to the world. It’s all about fixing typos, spelling slip-ups, and little errors so your work looks polished and professional.


A first chapter critique is a feedback session for the initial part of a story. It helps writers understand how well their opening chapter engages readers, introduces characters and settings, and sets the tone for the rest of the tale.


A combination of the developmental editing and the copy and line editing services.

Save $0.012 per word with this deal!


A combination of the developmental editing, copy and line editing, and proofreading services for 60K-90K words.

Save up to 34% with a flat rate.


A combination of the developmental editing, copy and line editing, and proofreading services for 91K-130K words.

Save up to 32% with a flat rate.


If you have a question about one of my services or don’t see what you need, contact me here. I’ll get back to you within 2 business days.

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